Faced with the uncertainties affecting store openings since 2019, French consumers appear to be the most appetites for physical commerce, according to Bazaarvoice's annual Shopper Experience Index study. 60% of French people would like to come back to the store to make their purchases next year if...
[Study] The boom in online shopping and delivery services in France
The Covid-19 crisis has profoundly changed French consumption patterns. Boom in online purchases and delivery services, changes in purchasing criteria... deciphering consumer behavior with this Yougov study. Nine out of 10 French people say they have purchased at least one product online in the...
Surfing time on the internet increased by 15%
The French have never spent so much time on the web in 2020, according to Médiamétrie. Either 2h25 of surfing per day and per person - 2/3 of which on smartphones - or 15% more than last year. The digitalization of daily life is intensifying. Confined, the French surfed. To consume, to entertain,...
Household equipment: French consumers spent 29 billion euros
The Home Furnishings sector has posted a positive balance sheet for 2020, beating the forecasts for the first half of 2020. The weight of online sales logically increased by 6 points, exceeding 30% of the revenue generated. With regard to the 2020 performance of the non-food markets audited by GfK...
What are the uses cell phones in the purchasing process?
How do consumers use cell phones in their shopping? How do they reconcile digital and point of sale? What factors encourage them to buy on mobile rather than in-store? Answers with the Proximis and iloveretail.fr study conducted by OpinionWay. Proximis, a specialist in unified commerce, presents...
The consequences of lockdown on the eating habits of French consumers
The consulting and audit firm PwC France and our french SEO agency present the results of its study on the food consumption of the French during lockdown, carried out with Kantar at the beginning of April with a representative panel of more than 1,000 respondents, and highlights the first...
Black Friday : record results in France
Black Friday is becoming a commercial highlight in France. Since its introduction in 2014, the overall volume of online orders has increased by 465%. The event is breaking new records this year. In only six years, Black Friday has become an inevitable moment of consumption for French people. This...
The 2020 market shares of search engines in France and around the world
If Google has a large dominant position in France, what about its real market share in 2020? Do the new alternative search engines manage to make a place for themselves in the face of the historical behemoth? In this article, we provide a brief overview of the current state of the market in France...
The collaborative delivery trends in France
New players have emerged in the logistic industry through collaborative delivery. Modelled on the carpooling model, individuals deliver parcels by taking advantage of their daily journeys. An overview of this growing market. In recent years, through the development of collaborative consumption,...
What are the new online shopping trends in France
Forrester has just published a report on the new digital purchasing behaviours adopted during the pandemic by French consumers. Decoding the main findings. The Covid-19 has forced French consumers to buy basic necessities online. Social isolation and the closure of shops and entertainment venues...